Monday, September 9, 2019

A Mystery Object For You To Identify

The Midl of Lidl (or as it may be Aldi) is a wonderland, full of all those things you didn't know you didn't need, such as stuffed warthogs, rat pressers, atonal apples and amplified heat. Some of the objects are so obscure that I simply cannot work out their intended function, not even when they are in the box with full instructions in twelve languages. If the object is found au naturel, in a state of deshabille, as it were, it can be a proper poser. I think I know what this object is -
... having seen something like it in a box last week, but one never knows. I do have a few ideas:

1 - a do-it-yourself home bungee-jumping kit;
2 - safety harness for indoor paragliding;
3 - a device for removing Boy Scouts from Horses' Hooves;

I own that it is resembles somewhat a late-eighteenth-century Gloucestershire grummet-tinker's scrode, though these are hard to distinguish from early-nineteenth-century Herefordshire grummet-tinker's scrodes, especially if it is missing its splod, as seems to be the case here.

Can you do any better?

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