Friday, September 6, 2019

It Has Not Escaped Our Notice

I am deluged by an image from my correspondent Professor Trellis of North Wales, sent from one of his seemingly unending peregrinations about the countryside by rail. Inspect if you will this photo of a trackside edifice:
Innocuous, no?

Well, look more closely...

Yes. you read that correctly. It can now be revealed - and you read it here first, folks - that within Network Rail, the body that runs the infrastructure on Britain's railways - is a secret organisation called the POSSESSION CENTRE devoted to banishing occult forces from its systems. One might argue that it's high time such an organisation were created, given the manifest unexplained delays and other mishaps that befall rail travel: either that, or it is not doing its job properly.

Professor Trellis and I wonder whether the network is so complicated that it has developed a malign sentience by way of an epiphenomenon, or has tied itself in bizarre topological knots. We also note that truth might be even stranger than fiction.


  1. What makes my honorable friend assume it's for abjuring the occult, rather than adjuration?

  2. er.... umm... I ordered a cheeseburger.
