Friday, September 6, 2019


The family has lately returned from a restorative vacation in South Wales, though we didn't manage to encounter Professor Trellis. One of my favourite recreations is beachcombing, and for all its manifest delights, the North-Sea aspect of Cromer can't hold a candle to the Atlantic influence of South Wales as regards variety and abundance of rockpool flora and fauna.

I also got to use the smartphone hand-lens attachment given to me some time ago by my good friend Mr M. P. of Cromer, used to capture this rather pretty bryozoan colony
... and this altogether entertaining spong.
Though one hardly needed a microscope to photograph this whopper of a jellyfish, happily dead and somewhat decayed by the time it was washed up.
Perhaps more mysterious are these eldritch runes sigils scratch marks on rocks high in the splash zone, spotted by Offspring#1. I think they are the marks left by the questing radulae of marauding molluscs as they rasp away at algae and other nameless encrustations. Unless anyone knows better. Answers in the comments please...


  1. Well, I hope the Bryzoans at least get royalties from window and door screen manufacturers.

    1. Hello Richard, and welcome. I don't think the bryozoa have enough brains to care either way.
